There is nothing like a liver spot to halt your lifestyle. I was sitting on the hospital bed, calmly awaiting the urine test results for my 13yo daughter to discover if she was about to rupture her appendix or other such organ. She was just as calmly watching Sponge Bob with one eye whist ogling the new born baby in the bed opposite. With a flat phone battery and no reading material at hand, I idly studied the quicks and cuticles on my fingernails.
And that's when I saw it. One liver spot. Right there, half way down my finger. Aghast, I looked over the rest of my hand to see two more such spots cunningly trying to disguise themselves as freckles and moles and thus successful in being overlooked until now.
After the initial shock wore off, and the imaginings of huge ugly spots upon wrinkled aged hands subsided, I got to thinking about my liver and how abusive Ive been towards it for the past 20 years. With the exception of five pregnancy's over that time period ( which in themselves brought toxins of other kinds to the liver for filtering) , and with the exception of that one month where I joined thousands of Australians for Dry July, barely a week has gone past where I haven't drank copious amounts of various alcoholic substances. That's a lot of booze for one ugly looking red squishy organ to have to cope with, don't ya think?
So now I have a plan. Having gone one way completely in alcohol, chocolate and creamy sauce abuse, I will now back flip and go completely the other way! I imagine myself... Healthy, slender, oozing antioxidants and healthy vibes, calm, saintly, yoga posed.. Goddess of Health!
Bring on DETOX! Bring on Lemon water, apples, green juice, no meat, no sugar! coffee.
Did I just write NO COFFEE???? Am I mad?!
Why must we give up ALL of the good things all of the time? No smoking, no drinking, no junk food, no coffee...whats left?
Ah... SEX! Sex is a vice right?! I will become a healthy, vegan, non toxic SEX GODDESS!
No one warn my husband.. I want to surprise him!
You go girl, although I don't drink as much as you of late I am pretty sure over the years I have done my fair share and need to detox as well. NO COFFEE aaaargh good luck with that. what else are you going to eat besides Lemon water, apples and green juices (oh make sure you look at label of said green juice as you don't want to buy stuff that is from countries that pulp the whole plant and have substandard water. If you have Aloe Vera growing in your garden grab a leaf and slice it into bits and place three or so in your water jug in your fridge lasts ten days and will filter your water for you. It may taste bitter at first but you will get use to it.